Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use OpenESG if my company has no experience with ESG?
Yes absolutely. Our products are designed for organizations with a range of ESG knowledge. We encourage any organization that wants to build sustainability and ESG into their business model. OpenESG’s Sustainability ID is an intentionally simplified scoring system. There are resources and explainers for each question asked. Organizations are also not required to fill out the entire questionnaire - organizations are not negatively scored for not answering individual questions, points are cumulative based on what an organization completes. OpenESG provides a score and a badge representative of what you do answer. And because the score is dynamic, any time an organization adds an improvement and updates their profile, the score will improve!. If your organization is looking to learn more about ESG, ChatESG is a great place to start. Using our GenerativeAI tool you can easily find a wealth of ESG information and learn best practices from others.
What is the difference between ChatESG and Sustainability ID?
These are OpenESG’s two products. They can be used separately or together for a range of uses. Visit our product page here to learn more.
We are on the path to a B Corp. Why should I also get a Sustainability ID?
B Corp and Sustainability ID are complementary but different. OpenESG is a low friction starting point if you want to prepare for BCorp or other certifications. Our Sustainability ID can be used to gather ESG metrics on your organization's entire supply chain (if you have one!). Your Sustainability ID can also be updated anytime your organization has made meaningful progress. Any organization with a Sustainability ID can choose to publish their score or badge to share with their customers, investors or regulators with ease. If published, information can be found by our Generative AI, ChatESG, leading to discoverability for your organization. If your organization already has a B Corp the likelihood is that you already have gathered all of the data required to complete our Sustainability ID. It should take 1 hour to fill out the Sustainability ID which will provide you an instantaneous score or badge.
What makes ChatESG different from ChatGPT and other publicly accessible AI chat tools?
ChatESG is trained on a specific set of sustainability data which helps to ensure accurate answers and prevent made up ones (known as hallucinations in the AI world). In addition to publicly accessible data, ChatESG also contains proprietary data which users of our Sustainability ID have chosen to publish in ChatESG. For each answer, ChatESG cites the documents being referenced in the answer and jumps users straight to the page in the document so you can verify the information for yourself. Our private instances of ChatESG have a host of other functionality not available in ChatESG - get in touch to learn more.
If my organization gets a Sustainability ID will the information be automatically published?
No! An organization’s Sustainability ID score, badge, and dashboard are never made public unless the organization chooses to publish this information by pushing it into ChatESG or embedding the widget on their dashboard.
What do the OpenESG Sustainability ID badges mean?
The Sustainability ID badges from OpenESG offer a concise and effective way to showcase your company's commitment to sustainability, providing a direct link to your organization's Sustainability ID dashboard. Companies must score over a 40 (percentage?) in order to be eligible for a badge. The score ranges attributed with each badge are Platinum , Gold , Silver.
Is there a cost to get a Sustainability ID?
No. It’s totally free to get a Sustainability ID. OpenESG only charges a fee if an organization wants to verify their data. See our pricing here.
Do I have to verify my organization’s Sustainability ID in order to display it publicly?
No you do not. If you’ve scored high enough to qualify for a badge you can embed your badge without verifying the Sustainability ID.
Why verify my organization’s Sustainability ID?
Organizations choose to verify their Sustainability ID to add more credibility to their information.
How does OpenESG verify my Sustainability ID?
OpenESG uses a combination of automated AI and manual systems to verify documents, certificates and claims made by companies.
Are OpenESG’s products available in different languages?
Not yet, but we have the capability to optimise them for different languages. Please get in touch to discuss.